Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Do grades really matter?

Do grades really matter? Macleans.ca - Education - PostSecondary

The above magazine article may seem controversial, but really there is nothing new under the sun here. I have heard over and over that "A" students go on to teach "B" students to work for "C" student. It is another way of saying that those that know how work for those that know why.

The author, Sarah Scott, recounts the stories of the famous and not-so-famous people that have achieved success in life "in spite of" mediocre grades in high school.

To me, the article is a wake up to the parents that "demand" high grades and to the politicians that measure their education systems by test results. Johnny might not be able to memorize the table of elements, but his ability to adapt his conversation to the personality of the person he is speaking with will matter a lot more outside of the tiled halls of high school.

Wouldn't it be great if Sue were taught how to balance her bank account or create a family budget? How about teaching the benefits of business ownership?

Why not encourage Ahmed's creative talents? Instead we see art and music being removed from the curriculum. As Bob Young, co-founder of Red Hat, says in the article: "Typically, our [the "C" student's] success does not come from working within the system. It comes from reinventing the system."

As for the "A" students, look closely at the rules you are following and teaching... they may not really be in place for your best interests. The people making the most out of their lives can not tell you with certainty what their lives will be like in five years. If you can, it might well be time for a check up from the neck up. More is available and you have the potential for much,. much more than you have today.

Working towards your No Limit Success


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